European Sales Group

Your sales accelerator for your B2B success


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European Sales Group

Your go-to partner to accelerate B2B business development in Europe.

Our mission? To transform your potential into tangible sales power by providing an end-to-end solution, from the strategic definition of your campaigns to the generation of highly qualified appointments.

European Sales Group - European Sales Group is the alliance of two visionary CEOs, Jérémy Lellouche and Hervé Bloch, passionate about sales, who decided to create a European Hub in Barcelona dedicated to companies seeking excellence in their prospecting. They have infused their philosophy through their respective companies, Dataventure and LesBigBoss, creating an ecosystem where performance meets innovation.

At European Sales Group, we aim to be THE strategic partner for outsourcing your sales force with impact and precision.

As proud members of the European Digital Group family, we draw on a rich heritage of digital transformation to propel your business ambitions.

The miracle recipe for our shared success?

An end-to-end approach: we build your sales pipeline with a targeted and personalized strategy, encompassing data utilization, prospecting, and qualification to secure qualified appointments in your calendar.

A team of dedicated and committed SDRs: the engine of your success, trained to embody your brand's voice and align with your objectives.

Tech and Data expertise: we leverage rich data and AI for precise scoring and a and a tailor-made approach.

Impactful content creation: crafting scripts and captivating campaigns to ensure effective communication on your behalf.

Multi-channel prospecting: we employ a combination of cold calling, emails, and social selling to maximize outreach.

Under the leadership of our General Manager, Julia Thomas, we foster excellence within our dynamic team.

The management

Julia Thomas

General Manager


Our values

Within European Sales Group, our values shape every initiative, every relationship, every success.

At the core of our DNA, you will find our passion for the advancement of our teams, as we firmly believe that people are the true engine of growth.

Jérémy Lellouche

- General Director of Dataventure

"European Sales Group transforms outbound business development into a pillar of sustainable growth for B2B companies. In a world where the quest for talent is becoming increasingly competitive and strategies are continuously evolving, it offers an integrated solution that addresses these challenges by guaranteeing quick and tangible commercial successes."

Hervé Bloch

- CEO of LesBigBoss

“The lifeblood of growth is the conquest of market shares and European Sales Group is the absolute weapon for generating good leads and securing commercial objectives!”

Founded by

The bigbosses

Data & Performance Marketing,
Local Marketing & Consulting PRM/CRM
Digital acquisition expert

The bigbosses

Our offices

Our offices are a hub for innovation and collaboration.

  • In the center of Barcelona
  • Easy access: Metro L3 and L2 - Passeig de Gracia or Diagonal stops
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“Working with the Badi template has been a breeze from start to finish.”

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“Very easy to use. I am completely blown away. badi is the real deal!”

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“Working with the Badi template has been a breeze from start to finish.”

Rated 5/5 - From over 40 reviews

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